Monday, 10 March 2014

New born species called liligers.

What: The mother tiger has given birth to 3 cubs which are a new species called liliger.
Where: At a zoo called Novosibirsk in Russia.
When: June 20 2013.
Who: The mum is Zita, a lion born in 2004 and the dad Sam is an African lion.

The liligers are  born to be known as a mix between a lion and a tiger which are the also known to be the biggest cats in the world. They are very, very rare also a good fact. 

The liliger was first born last year and know there is a new litter of 3 females.

The liligers are now big enough to start searching there surroundings with a endearing and clumsy amount of energy. 

Surprisingly and happily the liligers like swimming just like tigers but not PUSSY cats.

They only exist in captivity because in fact the lions and tigers do not mix in the wild. (Apparently.)   
Half-tiger, half-lion - meet a Liliger

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