Today the Variety Bash Came to our school and there were big fire engines and Big cupcakes on the roof and there were mustangs and lots of different and cool cars it was so fun and you got to go around with a bag and get lots of goodies from the people in the vehicles.
There was lots of toys that they gave and you could get things like Toothbrushes, Chips, lollies, glowsticks pencils and sharpeners and so much more things and it was so cool.
The boys were going around with shaving foam and then they were throwing it at each other and rubbing it everywhere.
The Variety bash drives around and does stuff for charity.
After the parade left this man named Super Hubert camem and did a show for us and he made a block disapear and then he made the rabbit turn around and you coiuld get fizz bars and it was so weird.