Monday, 17 November 2014
Brunner mine site poem.
The river rushes as the bush crashes,
65 people all men and boys unluckily killed in the mine,
The coal and dust covered their bodies,
As the families cried and wept over there children and men,
Coal everywhere as well as smoke,
The holes they climbed through they were dangerous that day,
for all of the gases and toxic disasters it caused the mine to explode,
Oh how unlucky they were on that day,
The pit ponies all timid and shy and pulling carts all over the show,
The boys did not want to go in the hole for their bosses just wanted the coal,
To fill up their pockets the greedy old bosses that stole their lives that day,
The mines filled with the smelly old gase and all the toxins in their,
Most smelliest of all the sulfur discusting and the bosses don't care about anyone but themselves,
Losing themselves in the mine,
The poor poor people do you feel sorry for them,
118 years passed by and all the people can still remember and to this day things have changed and memorials have been placed,
all the men and boys still their hearts race through the thoughts of their families and everyone whom knew them,
For the poor boys and men were lost on that day.
Wednesday, 29 October 2014
Kiwi kids news - Allergic to humans?
Who: A dog named Adam.
When: October 22, 2014
Why: ???
How: ???
The poor dog they call Adam hair was falling out unexplainidly and had blister and several bald spots were he had scrached some irritated skin.
Tuesday, 28 October 2014
The real art roadshow.
The real art show was so fun ad I really liked it I really want to go again. There was some really good peaces of art there and there was some really neat stuff there were more than 76 peaces of art.
There was a big green hammer head shark and one real cool peace of red fibre glass.
It was so cool and I would totaly go again.
There was a big green hammer head shark and one real cool peace of red fibre glass.
It was so cool and I would totaly go again.
Thursday, 16 October 2014
Monday, 13 October 2014
Monday, 22 September 2014
The Great Trade Off Game.
This is an amazing game that I love to do with the people in my class.
There can be 2-3 payers.
The rules are really basic each player has two counters:
you have to roll your dice 1 and the first time that you roll it if it lands on the 6, 5, 4, ect then that is the number in the middle of the board that you put it on.
Each player must start with 11 tokens they are: 3 yellow for money 3 red for fun and 5 blue for free time (the colours can be any ones).
Put the other ones in coulour coded
piles. The first step is the main and most obvious of rules to put the first counter on the START position.
The piles should start off with 30 before anyone takes the counters.
You can roll and go what ever way you want to go.
This game is really fun and if you land on one of the thing and say you do not have any fun and you have to give up fun then you can not do it what so ever.
This is a great game.
The first one to reach thier goal is THE OFFICIAL WINNER!!!
There can be 2-3 payers.
The rules are really basic each player has two counters:
you have to roll your dice 1 and the first time that you roll it if it lands on the 6, 5, 4, ect then that is the number in the middle of the board that you put it on.
Each player must start with 11 tokens they are: 3 yellow for money 3 red for fun and 5 blue for free time (the colours can be any ones).
Put the other ones in coulour coded
piles. The first step is the main and most obvious of rules to put the first counter on the START position.
The piles should start off with 30 before anyone takes the counters.
You can roll and go what ever way you want to go.
This game is really fun and if you land on one of the thing and say you do not have any fun and you have to give up fun then you can not do it what so ever.
This is a great game.
The first one to reach thier goal is THE OFFICIAL WINNER!!!
Thursday, 18 September 2014
Kiwi kids news Dr Who.
Who: Dr Who.
What: T.V Programme.
When: August 28th 2014
Where: ???
Why: ???
I love Dr Who I have watched it for a long time and I watched it last night it was so cool and I loved it.
I am a very big fan of Doctor who and I love every series because they are so mysteriouse.
Doctor who is a fantasy story about a time lord taht goes all over the universe wherever he wants whenver he wants.
It is a really good book that you must watch it is on Sunday nights at 7:30.
Thursday, 28 August 2014
Marshmallows bare bones.
WALT: Create a bare bones plan.
- Boy at camp fire cooking marshmallows.
- Something creeps up behind him.
- Boy hears somthing.
- Boy looks behind him and stays still.
- Scary thing grabs packet of marshmallows.
- Runs away with them.
- Boy hids in tent.
- Creature comes back to camp.
- Everyone in the same tent all scared.
- The creatures start scrambling around the camp.
- Everyone sees it shadow.
- The shadows disapear.
- There is a big grunt as they walk away.
- Morning arrives.
- The creatures come back.
- The creature takes a boy.
- The boy does not want to go with.
- Creature does something to make the boy obey him.
- The group go looking for him.
- The boy gets put into a pit for night....
The end
Tuesday, 22 July 2014
Commonwealth games.
I think the Commonwealth games are: a kind of event that is held anywhere around the world.
Other facts I know are:
countries from all around the world can join to represent their country,
the commonwealth games are a little bit like the Olympics,
the commonwealth games are held every 4 years,
at the commonwealth games almost every country can compete in the commonwealth games,
at the commonwealth games they have lots of different sports.
Wednesday, 2 July 2014
Main stars - Book review.
I did my book review on The wind in the willows. It is very detailed book review and I love this book.
The wind in the willows is a very good book and I think that you should read it. |
Main stars - Book character day.
Main stars - Design a survival kit for the alpine environment.
Main stars - Start preparing and packing for camp.
Main stars - Join a club or sports team.
Main stars - Quality comment on someone from another classes blog.
1 of the blogs that I posted on was Matariki Mahutonga school's blog.
Here is the link to the comment and the link to the comment.
This is a good school to comment on and they have got alot of posts.
Here is the link to the comment and the link to the comment.
This is a good school to comment on and they have got alot of posts.
Main stars - Acts of kindness.
I did my 5 random acts of kindness and it is a little hard tring to fingd something that is good that you can do.
Main stars - Take the cake nomination.
I nominated Nina, Zoe and Sophie for take the cake because they always let me play with them when I am lonley and they are very kind people and that is why I nominated them.
Monday, 30 June 2014
Hanging bed description
WALT: Show not tell.
WALT: Use lots of verbs.
I heaved myself up the beautiful wooden ladder, the beautiful soft amazing and warm bed. The pillows were like a white puffy cloud under head but the pillows were not white they were pillows of amazing colours. The blankets were warm and fuzzy around me as I lay down with my eyes shut tightly, it was the most comfiest bed EVER, the beautiful feeling of a fluffy cloud under my head (the pillow.) The bed was so warm with its colorful blankets and their were so many pillows.
Tuesday, 3 June 2014
Kiwi kids news-Piglets react to sound.
Click here for the video of the adorable piglets.
Who: The little piglets.
What: Piglets.
Where: ?
When: May the 30th 2014.
Why: ?
They say that the little piglets must have senciteve ears because they react to the sounds and even when they are sleeping.
This is an adorable little piglet asleep. Isn't it adorable?
Who: The little piglets.
What: Piglets.
Where: ?
When: May the 30th 2014.
Why: ?
They say that the little piglets must have senciteve ears because they react to the sounds and even when they are sleeping.
This is an adorable little piglet asleep. Isn't it adorable?
Wednesday, 28 May 2014
Kiwi kids news-Abandoned baby found by mother dog.
Baby found by mother dog.
Who: Baby human and mother dog.
What: Young baby.
Where: Kenya.
When: On May the 22nd 2014.
Why: ?
Once the stray mother was out finding food for her new born puppies when she found an abandoned baby.
The dog was known to carry the baby across the busy trafic and followed the barbed wire back to her litter in a poor nieborhood called Nairobi where she carred for all her litter including the new adandoned baby.
Then later on a person named Lonet Gogany who is part of the neigborhod found the litter of puppies and the baby after a few local boys said that they had herd a baby crying.
Aparrently it is beleaved that the baby was abandoned 2 days before the mother dog had found her. They have taken the baby to the hospital but so far no one has claimed her.
It is told that it is not uncommon that babies are to be abandoned in the contrie of Kenya were poverty playes a humangoes role.
They say that the dog is now with her puppies in an animal shelter.
Thursday, 22 May 2014
Thursday, 15 May 2014
100 WC
Once there was a a very well know scientist and oneday he made an experemant and it went very wrong...
He made the little country that he lived in shrink including the people and all of them where then smaller than the bees including all the new bees and everyone was terrified of what they thought might hurt them but the bees did not want to hurt the humans at all. The humans planed to get rid of all the bees but there was one who decided to become friends with the bees. So when everyone was ready to attact the bees and so the human decided to save the bees and he made everyone understand and everyone became friends with the bees and they all lived happily ever after.
Thursday, 8 May 2014
Kiwi kids news - Duck shooting season.
Duck shooting season is here. |
![]() |
The dogs are out getting the ducks for their owners. |
What: Duckshooting season.
Where: In padocks and other places.
When: 3rd May and the $ of May and it ends around July.
Why: So they can get them food and other things.
New Zealand duck shooting season started on Saturday and now thousands of duck shooters have started and are now hunting for the perfect duck.
While the pheasant and the quails and other game birds speacies are going to have shooting season and meant to be extending inbetween July and August.
The Millard and Grey duck shooting season will go to the end of May.
This year apparintly people are uncertain about the terms and conditions about the number of ducks and gesse and others species being shoot.
Shooters MUST have a license to be in position of a gun and police will be cheaking during duck shooting season.
Thursday, 17 April 2014
Diary of a wimpy kid - personal responce.
This book is very funny and I love it. When and if you read this book tell me all the parts that you like about the book. Why is this your favourite part.
Diary of a cricket god - personal responce.
Summery: This book is about a boy thats dad makes him join cricket even though he HATES it.
He gets munted when it is his turn to be a batter.
His dad does not understand that his boy does not like doing cricket...
I think and it is a very good book and you would probably like the book if you like. When and if you have read the book tell me what you like about it. What is your favourite part?/Do you think that is the kind of book that you would really like to read or not?
Link to my A-Z: Here is the link to my blog.
Wednesday, 16 April 2014
Space scouts - personal responce.
Summary: Space scouts is a good book it is about a boy that is in a group called the space scouts and he is on a mission when he finds a new planet that might be earth 2.
Along the way on his journey he finds out about a new fruit and it is called sugarmelon and he can not stop eating them.
He gets back to earth after he finds that another space scout has found earth 2 and he decides never to speak about the the planet that he went to or the others there will be destroed.
What else do you think he will discover along the way? Would you like to read this book?
The secret garden - Personal responce.
The wind in the willows.

Summery: The wind in the willows is about a naughty Toad that goes around stealing and crashing motor cars.
There are also enimes from a place called The Wild Wood it is a place were the weasles and the stoats live and they are not exactly the best they are the naughty ones.
Toad gets sent to jail while the weasles stoats and rats try to take over Toah Hall BUT....
This is not the exact cover but it is simalar (a bit less detailed.) There are also weasles stoats and ferrets and they are planning to take over Toad hall. What else do you think happens in the book from what I have told you so far?
Link to A-Z: Here is a link to my A-Z
Plastic city - personal responce.
Plastic city.
Plastic city is a good book and it is about a little group of people that protest against plastic advertising on roofs. The little boy also the main character thinks that the plastic things are talking to him and in the end something very good happens to the waist of all the plastic on the roof. What do you think happens in the end?
Stink and the midnight zombie walk.
Summery: Stink and the midnight zombie walk is about a little boy and his friends that are excited about this book that is coming out and they are very excited.
Stink has a older sister and she is not the best older sister to Stink.
It is part of a series that they love, all the people that love this book are going for a midnight walk called the MIDNIGHT ZOMBIE WALK...
Stink and the midnight zombie walk is a pretty a good book for the people that like these kinds of books and it is very funny when they go and do the walk because....
Question: Do you think that this would be the book for you?
Link to A-Z: Here is the link to my A-Z.
Thursday, 3 April 2014
Esio Trot - Personal responce.
Esio Trot.
Esio Trot is a very nice book about a man that really loves this lady and the lady has a tortoise and she wants him to grow up.
Teh man is very shy and has a secret love (and of course it is the lady down stairs.)
He goes and by lots of Tortoises and....
Tuesday, 1 April 2014
Monday, 24 March 2014
Kiwi Kids news - Flappy bird is 1 of the new best games.
Who: The creator Dong Ngugen.
What: Flappy bird
Where: All across the countrey.
When: March 23rd 2014.
Why: He deleted it because it had ruined his simple life.
What: Flappy bird
Where: All across the countrey.
When: March 23rd 2014.
Why: He deleted it because it had ruined his simple life.
Flappy bird is 1 of the new best games around.
Monday, 17 March 2014
Kiwi kids news - Baby gorilla born in America
What: A baby Gorilla.

Why: ?
When: March 17th 2014
Who: ?
In America at San Diego zoo there was a new baby gorilla born.
Her mum was 18 years old when she gave birth to the adorable gorilla.
Her mums name is Imani and she had trouble giving birth to her new baby.
They say that the new baby GIRL was born weighing 2kg and is being looked after in the veterinarian hospital.
They also say that the mum is coping well.
"This gorilla is the 8th gorilla to be able to call San Diego it's brand new home" said the care givers.
Monday, 10 March 2014
Charlie and the chocolate factory - personal response.
The genre of this book is:
Adventure and realistic.
I think that Charlie and the chocolate factory is about a story of a boy who family including him is very poor. One day a competition comes along and Charlie hopes to get it and at the 3rd chocolate bar he wins the last golden ticket, which will give him permission to him to get into the chocolate factory which closed down to spys in the factory stealing the recipes from Mr Wonka. Then they went to the factory were everything sweet are made. Then along the way all of the children lose the competition that was a a secret all along. Charlie wins and him and his family lives there for the rest of their lives.
My favourite character is Grandpa Joe because he is funny.
Adventure and realistic.
I think that Charlie and the chocolate factory is about a story of a boy who family including him is very poor. One day a competition comes along and Charlie hopes to get it and at the 3rd chocolate bar he wins the last golden ticket, which will give him permission to him to get into the chocolate factory which closed down to spys in the factory stealing the recipes from Mr Wonka. Then they went to the factory were everything sweet are made. Then along the way all of the children lose the competition that was a a secret all along. Charlie wins and him and his family lives there for the rest of their lives.
My favourite character is Grandpa Joe because he is funny.
Captain Underpants personal response.
I think that Captain Underpants is a book that's genera is probably humour and adventure.
Captain underpants is a super hero who came to be by being hypnotised by 2 little trouble makers named George
and Harold
they hypnotised him and by mistake they made him really become CAPTAIN UNDERPANTS.

If the author of this book was here I would ask him/her how they came up with the idea of there books because I want to know how they came up with the awesome ideas that are in their books.
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